

Recital Theme 2024: Inspire Eternity

 We all know that things are not as they should be. We can feel it in the lack, the loss, the disappointments, the FEAR. We all have our personal weight of weaknesses that kill, steal and destroy our mind and our hearts, and even our bodies. This message is for those who have reached the point of HOPELESS, where the gap between heaven and earth is just too wide and our will is too tired; our joy and our purpose is wounded, and our soul is some sort of lost.

Yes, our will is too tired, because our vision is too nearsighted.

We cannot overcome this world when our eyes are only fixed on this world. We cannot have confidence for tomorrow when we are living for our today; for the successes and temporary gratification that is either in or out of our reach, depending on mere circumstances. We must pray for a capacity to have a greater aim- a reach for eternity. It’s a reach for a God who is different; who is not made by our own hands, who we cannot control or tell what to do. A God who always has been and always will be. A God who will set all things straight in their proper time. A God who has been with us throughout every breath, gracing us with another and another.

We must give in to the FEAR of the LORD, if we want to taste eternity. The FEAR of the LORD is what sets us free from the fears we face in this world. The FEAR of the Lord is what we need, to endure forever. Because everything else is just not working.

{Inspired by Psalm 19}

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